Lin, Chien-hong
Yao, Ching-Chung
Overall leadership and management of the Teaching and Learning Center
Consultation related to teaching and learning effectiveness
Promotion of the center’s services
Coordination of various workshops, seminars, forums for faculty members
TA qualification review and training programs
Managing and promoting the use of the following systems:
1. E-learning platform
2. Questionnaire system
Selection of Excellent Faculty Award
Review of sponsorship applications for English mediated lectures
Statistical analysis of teaching evaluation
Providing in-progress notifications for students who may receive a failing grade at mid semester
Maintaining the web sites of the center
Assistance in the Higher Education SPROUT Project
Administrative assistance in curricular affairs relevant to professional licenses and certificates
Purchasing of supplies and equipment
Expenditures reimbursement
Monthly financial report
Student assistant training
Other duties as assigned
Yang, Yin-Xuang
Assistance in the data collection for the Higher Education SPROUT Project
Organization of workshops, seminars, meetings, and other activities
Teacher communication and coordination
Filming and editing of promotional activities
- Other duties as assigned